Description of Panel Method Code Antares

ABSTRACTPanel method code ANTARES was developed to compute wall interference correctionsin a rectangular wind tunnel. The code uses point doublets to represent blockage effects andline doublets to represent lifting effects of a wind tunnel model. Subsonic compressibilityeffects are modeled by applying the Prandtl-Glauert transformation. The closed wall, openjet, or perforated wall boundary condition may be assigned to a wall panel centroid. Thetunnel walls can be represented by using up to 8000 panels. The accuracy of panel methodcode ANTARES was successfully investigated by comparing solutions for the closed walland open jet boundary condition with corresponding Method of Images solutions. Fouriertransform solutions of a two-dimensional wind tunnel flow field were used to check theapplication of the perforated wall boundary condition. Studies showed that the accuracyof panel method code ANTARES can be improved by increasing the total number of wallpanels in the circumferential direction. It was also shown that the accuracy decreases withincreasing free-stream Mach number of the wind tunnel flow field.