Resource Letter RBAI-2: Research-based assessment instruments: Beyond physics topics

This Resource Letter provides a guide to research-based assessment instruments (RBAIs) for physics and astronomy classes, but goes beyond physics and astronomy topics to include: attitudes and beliefs about physics, epistemologies and expectations, the nature of physics, problem solving, self-efficacy, reasoning skills and lab skills. We also discuss RBAIs in physics and astronomy cognate fields such as mathematics and observation protocols for standardized observation of teaching. In this Resource Letter, we present an overview of these assessments and surveys including research validation, instructional level, format, and themes, to help faculty find the assessment that most closely matches their goals. This Resource Letter is a companion to RBAI-1: Research-based Assessment Instruments in Physics and Astronomy, which explicitly dealt with physics and astronomy topics. More details about each RBAI discussed in this paper are available at PhysPort: