Hybrid approach for management of patient-related information in mass casualty incidents

This work demonstrates how a combination of paper based and electronic objects can improve information access in mass casualty incidents. At the moment patient-related information is documented on Paper Based Patient Tags (PBPTs) which are attached to every patient. Current research in the field focuses on the introduction of RFID based patient tags (RBPTs) which depend on more complex tools or even on wireless networks. We propose to improve the relief workers' documentation task by combining PBPTs with RBPTs. This combination, which we call RFID Enhanced Patient Tags (REPTs), is capable of combining advantages from both approaches. On the paper part paramedics can easily scribble down medical results, it can be read and extended easily by succeeding relief units, colored paper bars can be identified even from far away and for extending patient related information nothing but a pen is needed. The use of electronically readable tags enables the paramedics to log their patient contacts, provide the incident commanders with evolving information, to acquire the patient location and to review information on previously triaged or medicated patients. Using our implementation, all Disaster Control Data can be stored electronically on REPTs and continuous wireless communication is not mandatory anymore. Furthermore all Patient Data can be stored handwritten on REPTs and complex electronic input of textual information is not neccessary.