This paper is a contribution to the following natural problem in complexity theory: (*) Is there a complexity theory for isomorphism types of recursive countable relational structures ? I.e. given a recursive relational structure ℛ over the set N of nonnegative integers, is there a nontrivial lower bound for the time-space complexity of recursive structures isomorphic (resp. recursively isomorphic) to ℛ? For unary recursive relations R , the answer is trivially negative: either R is finite or coinfinite or 〈 N , R 〉 is recursively isomorphic to 〈 N , { x ϵ N : x is even}〉. The general problem for relations with arity 2 (or greater) is open. Related to this problem, a classical result (going back to S. C. Kleene [4], 1955) states that every recursive ordinal is in fact primitive recursive. In [3] Patrick Dehornoy, using methods relevant to computer science, improves this result, showing that every recursive ordinal can be represented by a recursive total ordering over N which has linear deterministic time complexity relative to the binary representation of integers. As he notices, his proof applies to every recursive total order type α such that the isomorphism type of α is not changed if points are replaced by arbitrary finite nonempty subsets of consecutive points. In this paper we extend Dehornoy's result to all recursive total orderings over N and get minimal complexity for both time and space simultaneously.
Richard Edwin Stearns,et al.
Hierarchies of memory limited computations
Michael Moses.
Recursive linear orders with recursive successivities
Ann. Pure Appl. Log..
S. Kleene.
On the Forms of the Predicates in the Theory of Constructive Ordinals
Patrick Dehornoy,et al.
Turing Complexity of the Ordinals
Inf. Process. Lett..
Jeffrey B. Remmel.
Recursively categorical linear orderings
S. Kleene.
On the Forms of the Predicates in the Theory of Constructive Ordinals (Second Paper)