Integrating Dynamic Traffic Management Interventions into the HCM Freeway Facility Methodology

This paper discusses a dynamic framework and methodology to aid in selection and deployment of Active Traffic Management (ATM) strategies on freeway facilities. The dynamic methodology builds on the current freeway facilities methodology contained in the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual. The framework simulates near real-time operations and provides functionalities similar to those at Traffic Management Centers. Interventions by an “operator” are allowed to take place at the conclusion of each 15 minute analysis period. At each intervention, ATM strategies’ options are made available to be implemented in the next analysis period or beyond. The framework accounts for two types of users: Administrators and End Users. The Administrator is responsible for creating the base facility and defining the scenario presented to the End User. The End User is responsible for deploying or adjusting the selected ATM strategies at each intervention based on his/her assessment of the current and past operational conditions of the facility. At the end of each complete analysis run, the End User can readily evaluate the effectiveness of the decisions made during the study period based on a host of generated performance measures. It is envisioned that this tool can be used as a training mechanism for students, planners, and Traffic Management Center (TMC) operators to better equip them on the use of ATM and their potential effectiveness to improve freeway operations. The framework also can serve as a springboard to incorporate predictive models of recurring and non-recurring events in future releases, enabling a more pro-active approach to implementing ATM strategies.