Small Hydro Power in India

Publisher Summary This chapter discusses small hydropower in India. The Small Hydro Power Development in India has taken great strides and a capacity of 500 MW commissioned with another 500 MW under construction .Guidelines have been announced for the implementation of projects under National Hydro Policy, which also envisages 10 paise Cess on power consumption for the development of hydropower. Moreover, the capabilities generated in the small hydropower sector, the thrust being given by the Central and the State Government through hydropower policy, and the incentives being offered, it is necessary to take appropriate steps to address weaknesses in the system to ensure that the projects are identified and implemented in the shortest possible time. In the overall scenario of small hydropower development, efforts are required to be made to prepare separate identified list of projects for hilly, hydels, irrigation canal falls, run-of-the river schemes, and stand alone systems. The small hydropower projects need special attention. While the experience of major hydel can help, but it is desirable to frame simplified guidelines and procedures so that very short time is taken for identification of the projects, taking clearances, calling the bids, financial closure, and implementation.