Means-end chains: Connecting products with self

Abstract We conducted a study to explore how two decision situations affected subjects' product knowledge, end-goals, and means—end relationships that were activated for greeting cards. Forty female subjects read a decision scenario to buy either a thinking-of-you card or a wedding card. A paper and pencil laddering task was used to elicit subjects' means—end knowledge structures in the given choice situation. In our conceptualization, the means represent product knowledge or attributes, and the ends represent aspects of consumers' self-knowledge that vary in different situations. Content analysis revealed that the thinking-of-you situation activated receiver-related goals (i.e., “to make her happy”), whereas the wedding situation activated end-goals related to self-expression (i.e., “to express my personality”). Analysis of the means—end linkages revealed that differences in the activated goals affected the meaning of the attributes to which the end-goals were connected. We conclude by discussing the implications of incorporating self into theory and research on means—end chains.