FarSee-Net: Real-Time Semantic Segmentation by Efficient Multi-scale Context Aggregation and Feature Space Super-resolution

Real-time semantic segmentation is desirable in many robotic applications with limited computation resources. One challenge of semantic segmentation is to deal with the object scale variations and leverage the context. How to perform multi-scale context aggregation within limited computation budget is important. In this paper, firstly, we introduce a novel and efficient module called Cascaded Factorized Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (CF-ASPP). It is a lightweight cas-caded structure for Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to efficiently leverage context information. On the other hand, for runtime efficiency, state-of-the-art methods will quickly decrease the spatial size of the inputs or feature maps in the early network stages. The final high-resolution result is usually obtained by non-parametric up-sampling operation (e.g. bilinear interpolation). Differently, we rethink this pipeline and treat it as a super-resolution process. We use optimized super-resolution operation in the up-sampling step and improve the accuracy, especially in sub-sampled input image scenario for real-time applications. By fusing the above two improvements, our methods provide better latency-accuracy trade-off than the other state-of-the-art methods. In particular, we achieve 68.4% mIoU at 84 fps on the Cityscapes test set with a single Nivida Titan X (Maxwell) GPU card. The proposed module can be plugged into any feature extraction CNN and benefits from the CNN structure development.

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