Resumo Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar o impacto do valor justo na mensuracao dos ativos biologicos das empresas listadas na BMFValor Justo; CPC 29. ABSTRACT This research aims at analyzing the impact of fair value measurement of biological assets of the companies listed in BOVESPA in the years 2008 to 2010. We used descriptive research, bibliographic, documental and qualitative. Data collection was performed at the site of BOVESPA and the CVM. The results revealed that the mean value of these assets was increased in all study periods and that significant changes were seen after the adoption of fair value. It is concluded that the application of CPC 29 showed a strong impact on accounting disclosure of the companies surveyed, the information on the biological assets provided in the notes are usually superficial, basically, they inform their readers that the entities perform the measurement of these items, as provided in current law, thus rendering them inadequate for understanding the real situation of these assets, due to the lack of data that contribute to the analysis of the criteria used in the recognition, measurement and disclosure of its biological assets, jeopardizing the taking decision of the users of such information. Keywords: Biological Assets; Fair Value; CPC 29.