TREC 2007 Enterprise Track at CSIRO

The goals of CSIRO’s participation in the Enterprise track were formed by the nature of the tasks. With the expert finding search task, we sought to use a variety of means to associate topical expertise with individuals previously located within the collection. With the document search task, we were primarily interested in exploring issues of result diversity based on different characterisations of documents within the collection. We completed both expert and document search tasks by the submission deadline. In both cases, we submitted four runs for each task. The algorithms used for the runs for both tasks used a query-only baseline with subsequent variations. In both cases, we incorporated use of the PADRE retrieval system [2], in which the Okapi BM25 relevance function was implemented as the core ranking component. Incorporation of additional evidence such as anchor text and other characteristics of Web documents is used in the default ranking formula associated with the retrieval system.