[Three cases of congenital urethral stricture in childhood].

We report three cases of congenital urethral stricture in boys. They were 8, 7 and 5 years old. They complained of enuresis both day and night. Voiding cystography revealed bulbar narrowing (Cobb's Collar) in all cases, and vesico-ureteral reflux (VUR) occurred in two cases (three ureters). Endoscopically this lesion showed ring-form stenosis just distal to the urethral sphincter, and incised by using an infantile urethrotome. After the operation, VUR resolved in two ureters and improved in one. In all cases, daytime enuresis resolved dramatically, and night enuresis became controllable. Congenital urethral stenosis in boys is an important clinical entity in pediatric urology, and is not such a rare disease.