The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan has been developing Aimulet, which is a compact low-power consuming information terminal for a personal information services. Conventional Aimulet, which is called Aimulet ver. 1 or CoBIT, has features of location and direction sensitive information service device without batteries. On the other hand, the Aimulet ver. 1 has two subjects, one is multiplex and demultiplex of some contents, and another is operation under sunshine. In Former subject is of solved by the wavelength multiplex technique using LED emitter with different wavelength and dielectric optical filters. Latter subject is solved by new micro spherical solar cells with a visible-light-eliminating optical filter and a new design of light irradiation. These techniques are applied to the EXPO 2005, Aichi Japan and introduced in public. The former technique is applied on Aimulet GH, which is used in Orange Hall of the Global House, scientific museum with a fossil of a frozen mammoth. The latter technique is applied on Aimulet LA, which is used in the Laurie Anderson's WALK project in the Japanese Garden.