International Workshop on Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of Object-Oriented Languages, Programs and Systems - Report on the Workshop ICOOOLPS'2007 at ECOOP'07

ICOOOLPS'2007 was the second edition of the ECOOP-ICOOOLPS workshop. ICOOOLPS intends to bring researchers and practitioners both from academia and industry together, with a spirit of openness, to try and identify and begin to address the numerous and very varied issues of optimization. After a first successful edition, this second one put a stronger emphasis on exchanges and discussions amongst the participants, progressing on the bases set last year in Nantes. The workshop attendance was a success, since the 30-people limit we had set was reached about 2 weeks before the workshop itself. Some of the discussions (e.g .annotations) were so successful that they would required even more time than we were able to dedicate to them. That's one area we plan to further improve for the next edition.