Application of nuclear energy to agriculture. Final report
The following research projects in radiation botany were conducted: mutation breeding of beans and cassava; biological response of coffee plants; and radiosensitivity of tropical plants. In the field of entomology experiments were conducted on radiosterilization of the Mediterranean fruit fly, the coffee leaf miner, the torsalo and the meliaceous shootborer. The following research projects in plant physiology were conducted: physiology of cassava plants; effects of temperature on germination of cacao seeds; physiology of cacao seeds; sulfur metabolism using /sup 35/S; diseases and parasites of banana fruits; the mechanism controlling dwarfism in a radioinduced single gene bean mutant; and the use of wetting agents in foliar nutrition. The following research projects in soil chemistry were conducted: acidity and cation movement in tropical soils; phosphate in soils of the humid tropics; movement, adsorption and desorption of sulfates; free iron and aluminium oxides in tropical soils; mineralization of organic nitrogen in soils on volcanic materials; soil chemical properties of recent volcanic ash; and spatial distribution of the absorbing roots in coffee. Discussions are presented of installation of radiation facilities and collection of rainfall for fallout analysis. (HLW)