Performance measurement framework of E-Library using modified quantitative models for performance measurement system (QMPMS) method for ICT infrastructure

Performance represents the completion of activities, programs, or policies to achieve the objectives, visions, and missions of organizations. The National Library of Indonesia is a government organization which provides public services. To improve its functions, the National Library established Electronic Library (E-Library) toward Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure aspect. The plan has been included in the Roadmap Grand Design E-Library 2015–2016. Owing to improve the performance constantly, the measurement and criteria are needed to quantify performance not only user satisfaction perspective. To implement it, the authors used modification method, Quantitative Models for Performance Measurement System (QMPMS), by designing performance measurement method from the result of triangulation from several performance measurement frameworks used by previous authors which was performance prism, Objective Matrix (OMAX) and feedback 360°. The statistical approach used is Structural Equation Modeling approach, with the help of SPSS AMOS version 18 in processing the data. The result of the research, new performance measurement framework design and the model modification design was successfully identified by 76 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).