User needs as a basis for advanced technology. [U.S. civil space program

The NASA Integrated Technology Plan (ITP) is described with treatment given to the identification of U.S. technology needs, space research and technology programs, and some ITP implementations. The ITP is based on the development and transfer of technologies relevant to the space program that also have significant implications for general technological research. Among the areas of technological research identified are: astrophysics, earth sciences, microgravity, and space physics. The Office of Space Science and Applications prioritizes the technology needs in three classes; the highest priority is given to submm and microwave technologies for earth sciences and astrophysics study. Other government and commercial needs are outlined that include cryogenic technologies, low-cost engines, advanced data/signal processing, and low-cost ELVs. It is demonstrated that by identifying and addressing these areas of user technology needs NASA's research and technology program can enhance U.S. trade and industrial competitiveness.