Effect of integrated nutrient management on productivity of wheat (Triticum aestivum) under limited and adequate irrigation supplies

A field experiment was conducted during the winter seasons of 2000–01 and 2001–02 at Hisar, Haryana, to find out a suitable combination of chemical and organic nutritional sources for wheat (Triticum aestivum L. emend. Fiori & Paol.) grown at 2 irrigation levels, viz. adequate irrigation and limited irrigation, and 10 levels of nutrients. Wheat crop under adequate irrigation one each at crown-root initiation, late tillering, late jointing, flowering and milk stages recorded better growth, yield attributes, grain and straw yields and higher consumptive use of water and nutrient uptake. Application of 187.5 kg N/ha + FYM (10 t/ha) and 150 kg N/ha + FYM (10 t/ha) + Azotobacter recorded significantly higher growth, nutrient uptake, available N and grain and straw yields of wheat. The net income and benefit: cost ratio and water-use efficiency were also highest with 187.5 kg N/ha + FYM (10 t/ha) + Azotobacter + followed by 187.5 kg N/ha + FYM (10 t/ha) and 150 kg N/ha + FYM (10 t/ha) + Azotobacter. Available N content also increased compared with its initial soil status under these treatments. The content of organic carbon and available phosphorus in soil increased and the bulk density and pH decreased in all the integrated nutrientmanagement practices involving FYM (10 t/ha). Thus on integrating FYM (10 t/ha) + Azotobacter with 187.5 and 150 kg N/ha or FYM (10 t/ha) with 187.5 kg N/ha, productivity and monetary return can be increased by maintaining or improving the residual soil-fertility status after the harvest of wheat crop.