OPEVAL - för krigarnas skull
The purpose of this essay has been, through empiric research, to analyseevaluation methods and responsibilities when the Swedish Armed Forces arechange from a counter invasion defence towards forces with more flexible anddeployable capabilities with an international focus. This is done mainly by interviewingkey-personnel in three different organizations working in the Swedishdevelopment and procurement procedures. By a theoretical frameworkaround Bolman & Deals perspective model and a scientific method built upon aqualitative perspective and a hermeneutic view, the essay answers three mainquestions; To start the essay determines what OTE the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration and theSwedish Armed Forces. If the conclusions were to be that there weren’t anyOPEVAL in Sweden the essay intends to shed light on the reasons and alsoexamine any future needs. After analysis’s of interviews and documents theanswers were:The main characteristics of the USAF OT&E processes are the focus on thewarfighter. The warfighter are in the development and procurement proceduresrepresented by an OT&E organization. Closest to this kind of organization inSweden, although there are lot of differences, would be the Swedish AirForce’s “TU organizations”. However OPEVAL isn’t carried out in Swedenand the Armed Forces have just a supporting role in the validation process.The primary reason that there aren’t any OPEVAL being conducted in Swedenis the historical closeness between the organizations, our principle of selfsupportdue to our non-alignment and our limited economical means. The essay’smain conclusion is that today and tomorrow new needs must be met bynew tasks, organization structures and processes in the development and procurementprocedures. One task is to perform a credible OPEVAL similar to thekind USAF performs. Doesn’t this succeed there’s a risk that expected operationaleffects does not occur in for example peace support operations. In theend we risk the safety and the lives of our warfighters.