Förekomst av mjölksyrabakterier på ölbryggeri

Presence of lactic acid bacteria on a beer brewery The purpose of this thesis is to help a brewery solve a mayor problem regarding the quality of their product. The brewery has for a considerable amount of time had a problem with the presence of lactic acid bacteria in their product, which has caused it to acid long before the expiration date has passed. The root of the problem could be established through microbiological sampling along the entire production chain. Since the product of the brewery is something relatively unique, namely fresh beer, the demands on hygiene in the manufacturing process is extra high. Fresh beer is a fresh product and should be handled accordingly and kept at a cool temperature all the way to the consumer. The fermentation-/ storage room in the brewery turned out to have a large presence of lactic acid bacteria. These grow very slowly at low temperatures, but relatively rapid at room temperature. It is a combination of presence of lactic acid bacteria and incorrect kept temperatures after filling that has been the main cause of the poor production quality. The thesis has required a lot of microbiological labour, consisting of cultivating samples from the brewery. An attempt to identify microorganisms through PCR-technology has been implemented. The results from this attempt showed that the samples contained identical bacteria. The conclusion of the thesis was the need for updated cleaning procedures, and some new investment in equipment, and /or possibly new alternative disinfection methods, if the brewery wants to produce fresh beer without lactic acid bacteria in the future. Keywords: Lactic acid bacteria, beer spoilage, fresh beer, beer brewing, PCR, brewery, HACCP (Less)