University Neighborhood Partners (UNP) has chosen to refl ect upon its past eff orts and set a goal to
defi ne and encourage high quality Community-Based Research (CBR). h is document refl ects UNP’s
eff orts, in conjunction with Dr. Barbara Brown’s Community Scholar in Residence (CSIR) project, to
examine Community-Based Research. What does mutually-benefi cial, Community-Based Research
mean for researchers and community partners? What are barriers to its success? How can UNP provide
information and tools to overcome barriers and help facilitate successful research partnerships? What
options would be useful for UNP to consider for the future?
To address these issues, university and community representatives experienced with collaborative
Community-Based Research were invited to join the Community Research Collaborative (CRC). h ese
individuals refl ected on the barriers to and benefi ts from Community-Based Research. h ey assessed
what mechanisms would be helpful to that ensure future Community-Based Research partnerships
can learn from past eff orts and provide mutual benefi t to community and university members. h ey
identifi ed a variety of ways in which UNP could facilitate partnership initiation and development, as well
as provide a variety of tools to support public scholarship.