Guidelines for Minimum Standards of Ethical Approval in Psychological Research

The following Guidelines For Minimum Standards of Ethical Approval in Psychological Research were approved by the British Psychological Society’s Research Board and Ethics Committee as current best practice for research governance in psychological research in 2004. The attached proforma, the Psychology Department Ethical Approval Form is an optional resource that provides one way to implement these Guidelines. The Guidelines have been drafted by the Research Board Working Party on Ethical Practices in Psychological Research. The Working Party first convened in October 2002, and met throughout 2003. As a first step it carried out a survey of current practices regarding research governance in UK Psychology Departments and solicited advice from the Departments about issues that the Guidelines should address. The Working Party also drew on existing Society guidelines, and a number of other guidelines currently in place or under development, for example those resulting from European Legislation, NHS Research Governance, and the Wellcome Trust. The Draft Guidelines were submitted to the Ethics Committee on 23 January, 2004, and the Research Board on 30 January, 2004. After a further period of feedback from the Research Board and BPS Sections, Divisions, and relevant Committees, the Guidelines were adopted by the Executive Committee of the Research Board in May 2004.