An improvement of the Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT) of Horowitz[1] for MIMO systems is presented. The advantages of this approach are: (a) In the 'improved method' the fundamental design relation (for the ith free function li)has the form | 1 + li|> ¿(buv, quv) where buvare related to the performance tolerances of the closed loop, and quv) to the plant parameters. We show that the right side can be replaced by a constant. This makes the design much easier and even more economical in terms of cost of feedback. (b) The SISO systems that replace the original MIMO problem are now defined by induction. This gives a better insight for the understanding of the tradeoffs between the loop transmission and make it easier to be implemented in the computer. The attractive properties of this design method are: (1) The problem is reduced to successive single loop designs with no interaction between them and no iteration necessary. (2) Stability over the range of parameter uncertainty is automatically guaranteed. (3) There is insight to the tradeoff between the loop transmissions. (4) The synthesis technique can handle the attenuation of plant disturbances. (5) This technique can be applied to all the plants P such that all the elements of p-1 have no (RHP) poles. This new technique has been applied successfully to many examples, one of which is presented here.
I. Horowitz.
Synthesis of feedback systems
Isaac Horowitz,et al.
Design of a 3×3 multivariable feedback system with large plant uncertainty†
H. W. Bode,et al.
Network analysis and feedback amplifier design
Michael K. Sain,et al.
Guest editorial: On linear multivariable control systems
I. Horowitz.
Quantitative synthesis of uncertain multiple input-output feedback system†
Isaac Horowitz.
Improved design technique for uncertain multiple-input-multiple-output feedback systems†
I. Horowitz,et al.
Synthesis of feedback systems with large plant ignorance for prescribed time-domain tolerances†