Economic Decision Making : Games, Econometrics and Optimisation : Contributions in Honour of Jacques H. Drèze

Economics and Game Theory. Walrasian exchange processes (P. Champsaur and B. Cornet). Exchange processes, the core and competitive allocations (P. Chander and H. Tulkens). A model of temporary equilibria with stochastic quantity rationing (L.-A. Gerard-Varet, R. Jordan and A.P. Kirman). Invariance, neutrality and weakly continuous expected utility (C. d'Aspremont and L. Gevers). Optimal public sector employment policy with endogenous involuntary unemployment (R. Boadway, M. Marchand and P. Pestieau). Structural shocks and investment subsidies in an overlapping-generation model with perfect foresight (V.A. Ginsburgh and H.R. Sneessens). Investment in a disequilibrium model or does profitability really matter? (J.-P. Lambert and B. Mulkay). Perfect equilibria of speculative futures markets (R.M. Harstad and L. Phlips). On quality and variety competition (D. Neven and J.-F. Thisse). Nash equilibria are not self-enforcing (R.J. Aumann). The theory of social situations: illustrated by and applied to extensive form games (J. Greenberg). Extensions of games, purification of strategies, and Lyapunov's theorem (J.-F. Mertens). Econometrics. Experimental design for direct metering of residential electricity end-uses (D.J. Aigner and P. Schonfeld). Allais characterisation of preference structures and the structure of demand (A.P. Barten). Bayesian limited information analysis revisited (L. Bauwens and H.K. van Dijk). A general theory of conditional prevision P(X/Y) and the problem of state-dependent preferences (F. Lad and J.M. Dickey). Invariance arguments in Bayesian statistics (J.-P. Florens, M. Mouchart and J.-M. Rolin). An econometric approach to rationing as a policy instrument (S.M. Goldfeld and R.E. Quandt). Optimisation. Elementary constructive proofs of the theorems of Farkas, Minkowski and Weyl (R.J.B. Wets). Long steps with the logarithmic penalty barrier function in linear programming (C. Roos and J.-P. Vial). Formulations and bounds for the stochastic capacitated vehicle routing problem with uncertain supplies (G. Laporte and F. Louveaux). An assignment problem with side constraints: strong cutting planes and separation (R. Aboudi and G.L. Nemhauser). Formulating single machine scheduling problems with precedence constraints (L.A. Wolsey).