Government Network and ISP Selection Model : Mozambique Case Study

The selection of ICT service providers are among many of the challenges in building networks (intranets and extensions to the Internet) due to the high investment on equipment (CAPEX) and on operational costs (OPEX). This thesis proposes a Multi-Criteria Decision Method based decision support framework via the deployment of the Analytical Hierarchy Process method that can be used to improve selection and evaluation practices. The work deals explicitly with the role of ICT in supporting the corporate mission, and goals, in building the organization value network. It helps also in planning and defining the access to the Internet and strategies for making critical ICT related decisions. A specific study, The Government Electronic Network Project in Mozambique, has been used as a use case for the developed model and for validating the framework. The thesis also covers aspects related to the broader eGovernment process in Mozambique, such as the architecture, the principles, and the associated IT protocols and standards required for the interoperability of the respective eGovernment systems. The framework and recommendations are expected to contribute in assisting organizations to increase the usage and improve the management of IT platforms and services. In addition, they should help in bettering the systematization of the input data in specifying the requirements for the services offered by Internet service providers. The model should bring to the attention of decision-makers many factors that are currently neither considered nor are central to the selection processes. Furthermore, the decision-makers can use the framework in explaining and describing the investment decisions behind ICT projects in the context of the organization value network.