Rheumatoid Arthritis with Positive LE Clot Test in Children

~ ’’:’ was.’’~B!axa&3~ she had flexion contracture oi :’.:’’.~. th€~.tMps.~.SKei):S$~,:.& ’.catM~t’/M:jthe~e&;~€y~.’:,~!~’. phthisis of the right The hemoglobin level was 12.2 Grn./It~(~ ml.; count, 9,100/cu. mm.; sedimentation rate, 56 mm./hour; urinalysis showed normal results. She had hypergamma. globulinemia and low serum albumin. The rheumatoid ~act~r test was negative but the LE clot test gave a positive result. Roentgenograms of the involved joints were consistent with the diagnosis .of rheumatoid arthritis. The patient underwent and pos2~xiar capsulectomy of her left knee. Microscopic’ section of tissue showed cf~~°c~~?ic rheumatoid synoviti~. ~i~e was placed an a regimen of 40 grains of salicylates per day. No recurrence af ~I~~ active rheumatoid process was. detected on re-~~:~~i~~tion a year later, .’’though. the flexion .deformity and subluxatioti of the left wrist had’ progressed somewhat. The ac~f~r lesions remained the same. Urinalysis, showed no abnormality, The LE clot