Effect of particle size and strain conditions on the strength of crushed basalt

This paper describes the results of an investigation carried out to study the influence of particle size, stress level, density, method of consolidation, and strain conditions on the strength and compressibility of crushed basalt. All specimens were prepared at medium or high density, consolidated isotropically or under K0 consolidation, and sheared under effective confining pressure ranging from 443 to 2297 kPa. The material used in the test program had a straight line grain size distribution with maximum particle size ranges from 0.63 to 76.2 mm and minimum particle size equivalent to No. 30 U.S. standard sieve size:The tests indicated that an increase in the particle size (i.e., gradation) increases the strength and decreases the axial and the volumetric strain at failure. The study indicated further that the crushed basalt under triaxial compression has a lower shear strength than when sheared under plane strain conditions. Particles crushed were significantly influenced by the stress level and gradat...