[Classification of tubular testicular atrophies in the diagnosis of sterility. Significance of the so-called "bunte Atrophie"].

In the course of testicular biopsies from 2317 patients in the years 1969--1978 at the Institute of Pathology of Zurich University, 1165 cases with tubular atrophy were retrospectively examined and classified on the basis of distribution of atrophy on the one hand and degree of atrophy (progressive depopulation) on the other. In virtue of this histological classification, an attempt was made to provide an absolutely or relatively reliable statement respecting the fertility situation, which was possible in 25% of the cases. In the group of the so-called "bunte Atrophie" an alteration could be described which is of interest not only because it accounts for a quarter of all testicular atrophies but also because there is a difference between the slight histological alterations and the obviously serious clinical consequences. It was possible to prove that an increase in the atrophy grade characterized by loss of spermatids is already responsible for rapid shrinkage of tubulus diameter in this group.