Digital twin-driven manufacturing cyber-physical system for parallel controlling of smart workshop

With increasing diverse product demands, the manufacturing paradigm has been transformed into a mass-individualized one, among which one bottleneck is to achieve the interoperability between physical world and the digital world of manufacturing system for the intelligent organizing of resources. This paper presents a digital twin-driven manufacturing cyber-physical system (MCPS) for parallel controlling of smart workshop under mass individualization paradigm. By establishing cyber-physical connection via decentralized digital twin models, various manufacturing resources can be formed as dynamic autonomous system to co-create personalized products. Clarification on the MCPS concept, characteristics, architecture, configuration, operating mechanism and key enabling technologies are elaborated, respectively. A demonstrative implementation of the digital twin-driven parallel controlling of board-type product smart manufacturing workshop is also presented. It addresses a bi-level online intelligence in proactive decision making for the organization and operation of manufacturing resources.

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