Treatment with Enilconazole * Spray of Dermatophytosis in Rabbit Farms: Behandlung von Dermatophytosen mit Enilconazol * Spray in Kaninchenbetrieben

Summary: The walls and ceiling of each of two rabbit rarms in which clinical ringworm Microsporum canis var. alba had been observed and confirmed by laboratory investigation, were disinfected with enilconazole spray 15%. Clinical dermatophytosis was found to be present in 23.4% of the 826 animals on rabbit farm A, and another 55.7% of the total population were estimated to be carriers. In rabbit farm B, 35.7% of the 440 rabbits on the farm presented clinical ringworm lesions. Enilconazole emulsifiable concentrate was sprayed onto the walls and ceiling of rabbit house A twice weekly for 27 weeks at 15 mg per m2of floor surface area without result and at 30 mg per m2at the end of 22 weeks. After disinfection with 50 mg per m2for 23 weeks, the number of clinically infected animals was reduced to 0.66% and the estimated canier incidence to 2%