Band to Band Tunneling limited Off state Current in Ultra-thin Body Double Gate FETs with High Mobility Materials : III-V, Ge and strained Si/Ge

We have developed new band to band tunneling (BTBT) model, which captures band structure information, all possible transitions between different valleys, energy quantization and quantized density of states (DOS). Minimum standby off-state currents (IOFF,MIN) are investigated in double gate (DG) MOSFETs with various high mobility materials, like GaAs, InAs, Ge and strained Si/Ge (s-Si/s-Ge) using the new band to band tunneling model. Our results show that the body thickness & supply voltage strongly affect the BTBT and should be carefully chosen to meet the ITRS specifications of the off state leakage current in these new high mobility/small bandgap materials