Redundant variables and the quality of management zones

Precision agriculture (PA) allows farmers to identify and address variations in an agriculture field. Management zones (MZs) make PA more feasible and economical. The most important method for defining MZs is a fuzzy C-means algorithm, but selecting the variable for use as the input layer in the fuzzy process is problematic. BAZZI et al. (2013) used Moran’s bivariate spatial autocorrelation statistic to identify variables that are spatially correlated with yield while employing spatial autocorrelation. BAZZI et al. (2013) proposed that all redundant variables be eliminated and that the remaining variables would be considered appropriate on the MZ generation process. Thus, the objective of this work, a study case, was to test the hypothesis that redundant variables can harm the MZ delineation process. BAZZI This work was conducted in a 19.6-ha commercial field, and 15 MZ designs were generated by a fuzzy C-means algorithm and divided into two to five classes. Each design used a different composition of variables, including copper, silt, clay, and altitude. Some combinations of these variables produced superior MZs. None of the variable combinations produced statistically better performance that the MZ generated with no redundant variables. Thus, the other redundant variables can be discredited. The design with all variables did not provide a greater separation and organization of data among MZ classes and was not recommended.

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