Radar open systems architecture and applications

This paper presents the radar open systems architecture (ROSA) that has been used successfully in building the prototype Cobra Gemini radar and is currently being used to modernize four unique signature radars at the Kwajalein Missile Range (KMR) and three unique radars at the Millstone Hill radar facility. ROSA embraces the OS model by decomposing a radar into functional building blocks constructed using COTS hardware. This decomposition provides loosely coupled operational subsystem components that, when tied together using well-defined interfaces, form a complete radar processing and control system. Building blocks can be easily added or modified to allow new technology insertion, with minimal impact on the other elements of the radar system. More importantly, existing radar building blocks can be shared and used to create new radars or to modernize existing systems. This modular OS architecture can lead to improvements in time-to-market, reduced cost, and increased commonality.