(:EUC'E ~~)uld like to invite its members to attend t.his year's National ('onfcrcww on ilrtificial Int.elligence. August 2% 26. 1983 This t bird national conference. co-sponsored b>r the I;nivcrsity of Ylaryland and George Mashington I-nivcrsitv, proniot w research in tht field of artificial in&-ligrncc by bringing togct her individuals from government. industry and acwdcmia arid by providing a published record of the confcrcnw as procwding.~ The three principal parts of 4.1.11 83 \vill bc thv Twhnical program. the Tutorial program and the R&D Exhibit program. Two innovat.ions introduced this yw arc t hc Technology Transfer Symposium and t\vo Technical \zorkshops The Tcchnic~a.1 Program, slated for August 21 26. will prcwnt substantial. original research in an array of different .,I1 awas. such as kno\vledgc representation, expert systems, cognit ivc niodelling. problem solving and inference, vision, et (' In addition to the twhnical presentations. panels will disww 1Cading twhnical. philosophical, and economic issues rclcwnt to the field :\lso. a limited amount of space is being provided for individuals or groups interested in conducting small group Lzorkshops on ;\I-related topics during the Twh11ira1 program The Tutorial Program. scheduled for August 22 and the morning of August 23. is composed of six, four hour tutorial units For our rcadws who arc just becoming familiar with the different AI arcas of interwt , thr tutorial program is an excellent means of acquiring state-of-'-the-art kno\vledgc from leading experts in these areas This yrar's tutorial topics arc: The R&D Exhibit. Program, sch&uled for the cntirc wcrk of the conference, will present products of special inttwst to the AI community As in the past 1 university and industrial laboratories have been invit.ed to in the ISx-hibit program Leading publishers and comput,er hardware manufacturers will have displays. Companics, academic and research laboratories. .U service organizat.ions and publishers interested in more specific det.ails on the A.-!111 83 R&I) Exhibit Program can contact the ,4.&N officr for informat ion One innovation t,his year, the Technology-Transfer 'iym-posium,