SK-Banyans: A Unified Class of Banyan Networks
Theatre Direct Canada encourages educators to reproduce portions of this Education Resource Guide, but requests that credit by attributed to Theatre Direct Canada. I am extremely proud of this undertaking, both from an artistic and educational viewpoint. This lovely dance, theatre and storytelling piece offers a host of opportunities for young people to explore their relationships with one another, their peers and their own understanding of themselves as young people in this rich cultural diverse country of ours. The colourful and dynamic dance and music drawn the Indian tradition will be eye opening for some, and positively affirming for others. The powerful collaboration among the artists that brought this piece from concept to reality is also reflected in our wonderful relationship with educators within the different school boards we're visiting with our daylong program. It is this partnership between artists and educators that it is at the centre of our work here at Theatre Direct. I would like to acknowledge the following individuals who have made this project possible because of their leadership, vision and faith in the power of theatre to spark learning, discovery and creativity in young people: I'd also like to thank the following theatre presenters and community spaces for hosting Beneath The Banyan Tree for local school audiences and families: Finally, I want to honour the teachers who enable the extended learning emerging from this theatre performance for their students.