Pipe- LineDesign forPipe-Type Feeders
MEMBERAIEE THE USEofpipe-type feeders hasintroduced problems ofdesign which aresubject tomoreexactsolution than thoseencountered intheconventional methodofinstalling conductors inconduit.Thepurpose ofthispaperisto present anengineering basis fordetermining theeconomic sizeofpipeand section lengths, andtopresent anewtype ofsemistop joint forpipe-type feeders. Preliminary studies indicated thatifa pipewasselected small enoughtocause theconductors topull intriangular rather thancradled formation, considerable savings could bemade.A series oftests was madetodetermine whether arelatively small pipewouldcausetheconductors to pull intriangular formation andwhether asmall pipe wouldmaterially increase the stresses onjoints andinsulation during loadcycles. Tests also weremadetodetermine theeffect ofrestraining theconductors inastuffing-box typeofsemistop joint.