The aim of this study is to characterize the mechanical behavior of connections timber-to-timber joist hangers with specific nail fasteners. The methodology proposed by technical design standards is based on the hypothesis of an elastic and linear joint behavior. However, the local behavior of joint is semi-rigid characterized by the ductility of wood material in embedment and the non linear behavior of the nail fasteners in bending. Hence, in this study, the combination of a comprehensive experimental setup and a numerical approach is developed to analyze the evolution of the forces in the joint. Firstly, various tests are realized on specific nail fasteners, using different glulam species, in accordance with European test standards. They concern the withdrawal push-out test, the single plane shear and the yield bending moment. Besides, the adequacy of the methodology proposed by Eurocode 5 for dowel-type fasteners is discussed. Secondly, a similar investigation is carried out on a whole timber-to-timber joint, with nailed tridimensional metal plates. Considering the hypothesis of a semi-rigid behavior of the joint, the stiffness of each fastener is identified in tension and shear slips. Finally, a finite element model is applied and discussed considering the fasteners represented by bi-directional mechanical springs. The stiffness of each spring is considered as the slip modulus of each fastener defined by tests. A semi-rigid formulation was adopted and the overall joint behavior is apprehended numerically.
Hans Joachim Blass,et al.
Effective bending capacity of dowel-type fasteners
Cheng-Chih Chen,et al.
Parametric study and design of rib-reinforced steel moment connections
Hans Joachim Blaß,et al.
Screws with continuous threads in timber connections
H. J. Larsen,et al.
DS/ENV 1995-1-1 NAD National Application Document for Eurocode 5: Design of Timber Structures, Part 1-1: General Rules and Rules for Buildings
Maurizio Piazza,et al.
Experimental analysis of laterally loaded nailed timber-to-concrete connections
Ricardo O. Foschi,et al.
Analysis of wood diaphragms and trusses. Part II: Truss-plate connections
H. J. Larsen,et al.
Influence of semi-rigidity of joints on the behaviour of timber structures
Yantao Li,et al.
Modeling Timber Moment Connection under Reversed Cyclic Loading
K. W. Johansen,et al.
Theory of Timber Connections