Design an Interest Based Interactivity Platform for Social Media through Big Data

Social Medias are ubiquitous now days; hence in order to enhance the user experience we are using interest based relevance as a key component. The information about the interest based relevance modeling was extracted from user interaction in a cross platform social media big data repository. The goal of the paper is to educate about two aspects: First, to address the dilemmas of cross platform user experience theoretically. Second, By using an android based mobile application and an cloud architecture is designed for an account of theoretical parameters of big data user centric approach and interactivity. To address the challenges gone through the study of cross platform big data, we depended on cloud computing for intensive operations such as data mining and data processing at large scale. Our work is based on two main streams they are cross platform interest based navigation and content filtering across multiple radio content stream. These streams include the tags from radio station programming and social media content through a discovery process. User interactions were geared to enable preferred topic filtering, flexibility shifting notifications, participation roles, and navigation through external data sources.