Depth Perception Applied to Search and Target Acquisition
Abstract : A search and target acquisition test was performed under an exchange scientist program with the TNO Human Factors Research Institute at Soesterberg, The Netherlands in September 1995. The test was performed at a military training base using several of the scientists from TNO wearing Dutch forest camouflage uniforms. Sets of wide baseline stereo photos were obtained for targeted and non-targeted scenes at two sites. The targeted and non-targeted scene photos were taken on the same day within a few minutes of each other. The imagery obtained was taken with a 35 mm camera with a 200 mm lens for target ranges from 100 m to I km. A single field of view was used for all of the targeted and non-targeted scenes at each site. The photos were taken with color slide film and were digitized to 3K by 2K pixel resolution. These imagery data sets were used to perform search and target acquisition tests. Preliminary analysis of single line of sight search and target acquisition observer tasks was performed for the same scenes with and without targets. Results of these observer tests are presented. Additionally, the scenes used in these tests were made into stereo pair images for observer display. There are several aspects to the display of wide baseline stereo images that must be taken into consideration for optimum depth perception for use in search and target acquisition. Rule of thumb guidelines for optimizing the depth perception of the contour of camouflaged targets versus terrain features have been derived.