This study analyses the finger-pointing gesture in a pointing-naming (PN) task for a group of native speakers of Brazilian and a group of native speakers of French. It shows that the increase of the number of syllables (n-syl.) in the target name slightly delays the timing of the finger gesture toward the target. The duration of that gesture also tends to be shorter for 1- and 2- syllable(s) in the PN task rather than in a pointing-alone (P) task. Finally, the finger-target alignment is globally longer for the P task than for the PN task. This duration then gradually increases with the increase of n-syl. in the PN task. These results reproduce the main published results showing that speech/pointing coordination is mainly achieved by ‘on line’ adaptation of speech and ‘off-line’ adaptation of the finger. Yet, the results also suggest that speech could ‘calibrate’ the fingerpointing gesture. Hence, in the simultaneous designation of a target, speech and hand should be considered as two ‘collaborative’ rather than two ‘competitive’ systems.
Willem J. M. Levelt,et al.
Pointing and voicing in deictic expressions
Christian Abry,et al.
Vocalize to localize
J. Haviland.
Language and Gesture: Pointing, gesture spaces, and mental maps
Pierre Feyereisen,et al.
The competition between gesture and speech production in dual-task paradigms
D. I. McCloskey,et al.
Behavioural Brain Research.
S. Kita.
Pointing: Where language, culture, and cognition meet