Time-resolved near infrared spectroscopy in ischemic stroke patients

In this paper we present a Time Resolved Near Infrared device for bed-side neuromonitoring of ischemic stroke patients. This system features three wavelengths allowing a better and robust retrieval of the absolute values of oxy and deoxyhaemoglobin. The device has been fully characterized following the guidelines of the MEDPHOT and BIP protocols, developed under NEUROPt project. Time Resolved spectroscopy is a promising technology that can provide reproducible results in terms of absorption and scattering coefficients. This portable and non-invasive system has been proven suitable for operation in clinical settings. Data were collected from a cohort of 47 ischemic stroke patients and, according to their cerebral impairment, compared with normal values obtained from a group of 35 healthy subjects. Significant differences in haemoglobin species concentration and saturation were found between healthy and ischemic stroke patients. In the ischemic area of both recanalized and non-recanalized ischemic stroke patients, deoxy-haemoglobin and total haemoglobin values are higher than in controls, while tissue oxygen saturation values are lower only in recanalized patients.