Effect of chemoprevention by low-dose aspirin of new or recurrent colorectal adenomas in patients with Lynch syndrome (AAS-Lynch): study protocol for a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized controlled trial

A. Amiot | I. Sobhani | M. Boubaya | P. Laurent-Puig | J. Saurin | C. Lepage | T. Frebourg | R. Benamouzig | B. Buecher | M. Brasseur | F. Fein | G. Kergoat | S. Chaussade | P. Grandval | S. Cattan | M. Bardou | D. Malka | L. Venat-Bouvet | M. Benallaoua | V. Mari | O. Ingster | P. Gesta | B. Semelin | J. Jouve | D. Bonnet | D. Tougeron | T. Aparicio | V. Lévy | S. Olschwang | A. Lortholary | Anthony Lopez | F. Cornélis | F. Desseigne | S. Nambot | T. Lecomte | S. Lejeune | Nadia Mekahli | F. Mary | G. Perkins | M. Dhooge | Fanny Maksimovic | Hélène Delhomelle | D. Deutsch | A. Soualy | Amal Ait-Omar | S. Helfen | Robert Florence Amal Mourad Sabine Semaher Noémie Géraldi Benamouzig Mary Aït Omar Benallaoua Helfen | Amal Aït Omar | Semaher Al-Khafaji | Noémie Demare | N. Raby | Corinne Penaud | Virginie Sicart | C. Pomes | Claire Jollivet | M. Caulet | Maud Saussereau | J. Bellanger | Anne Netter-Coti | Lydia Mehdi | Afane Brahimi | Laurence Bellengier | Sandrine Rafert | Emmanuelle Barouk Simonet | Anna Serova-Erard | Jeanne Oddoz | Samuel Lesourd | L. Crivelli | L. Faivre-Olivier | A. Drouillard | N. Perot | Carole Lenne | J. Lagasse | Brahim Ouahrani | Nathalie Parodi | Maud Branchaud | E. Grinand | N. Lourenço | Anthony A. Lopez | Samuel Lesourd | A. Brahimi | L. Faivre‐Olivier | Vincent Lévy | Amal Ait-Omar | Amal Aït Omar | Semaher Al-Khafaji | Noémie Demaré | Corinne Penaud | Claire Jollivet | Anne Netter-Coti | Lydia Mehdi | Anna Serova-Erard | Nora Perot | Sophie Nambot