Appraisal for options of solid recovered fuel (SRF) utilisation within the UK

In view of the rising prices of non-renewable fossil fuels and regulatory obligations affecting waste management, interest is growing for the use of waste derived fuels in energy intensive facilities in Europe. However, major concerns with the use of such fuels include the quality of fuels, its source of generation, gaseous emissions and public acceptability. This paper presents the various production methods for solid recovered fuels (SRF) from municipal solid waste (MSW) and the potential options for its use in the UK. SRF can be produced by mechanical biological treatment (MBT) methods using bio-drying process or by extensive mechanical treatment. MBT involves a series of mechanical and biological steps, depending upon the input waste properties, aimed at producing an SRF. SRF compositions vary according to the application and can comprise of paper, plastic, wood, textile and organics. The European Technical Committee CEN/TC 343 “Solid Recovered Fuels” classifies SRF on the basis of net calorific value (NCV), chlorine content and mercury content. This classification system was prepared after extensive consultation with end-users. In the UK, the main potential outlets for MSW derived SRF include cement kilns, power plants, industrial boilers (such as pulp and paper mill), dedicated SRF incineration facilities and advanced thermal treatment plants (such as gasification and