Road Safety Audits in the United States: State of the Practice
In 2002 the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) sponsored a synthesis report on the current state of Road Safety Audit (RSA) and Road Safety Audit Reviews (RSAR) practices in the US. Presented in the paper is a summary of 2004 NCHRP Synthesis Report #336 which highlights this state of practice. In addition to the Synthesis, the issues of training on RSA and RSAR activities within the US and the future direction emphasis of the Federal Highway Administration and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials are presented. To advance and expand the US application of the concept and to enhance safety benefits, the following are key focus areas: (1) Training programs should be continued to introduce more state DOT personnel to RSA practices and how these safety tools can be applied; (2) A compendium of best practices needs to be developed and disseminated to state DOTs, cities, and local road agencies. Local Transportation Assistance Program Centers need to assist in the distribution of these proactive safety tools; (3) Road safety audit training courses should be developed focusing on urban applications such as at intersections or on RSA/RSAR aspects of access management issues; (4) A study is needed to establish the benefits of audits based on US practice, and (5) An RSA/RSAR forum is needed to advance US practice.