Porównanie metod AHP oraz Promethee na przykładzie oceny wariantów zintegrowanego systemu miejskiego transportu publicznego w Krakowie

During solving complex decision problems of urban public transport it is important to take into account many aspects of it such as: economical, technical, social and environmental. It is also necessary to consider the conflicting interests and different participants’ point of view (point of view of the city authorities, urban public transport operators, units managing public transport, passengers and other road users). Nowadays, multicriteria decision aid methods (MCDA) are often used to solve complex, multifaceted decision problems. There are many types of multicriteria decision aid methods. The most popular classification includes three groups: methods based on multiatribute utility theory, methods based on the autranking relation and interactive methods. The article presents the characteristics and comparision of two methods used for ranking variants: Promethee method based on autranking relation and AH Pmethod based on multiatribute utility function. As an example these methods were applied to make a ranking of variants of urban public transport systems integration (UPTSI) in Krakow. At first stage traffic simulations in Visum programme were carried out for variants of UPTSI in Krakow (variants: W0 , W1 , W2 , W3 , W4 , W5 , W5A , W6, where W0 variant represents the current state of the transport system in Krakow , while variants from W1 to W6 are proposals of variants of UPTSI in Krakow). To assess the variants a set of 10 criteria was adopted. As a result of computational experiments with usage of Promethee and AHP methods, it the final ranking of the analyzed variants (from best to the worst) was obtained.