The project "STREET LIGHT MONITORING AND CONTROL SYSTEM" is developed for automatic street lights maintenance and to reduce power consumption. The application is designed in such a way that we place light sensors in all street light circuits, which is responsible to switch on and off automatically. once the lights are switched on current sensors placed at every street light circuits are responsible to report problem status to the centralized system with help of GSM module attached with the circuit. The status is available in the centralized system, the work man now can easily locate the particular light to take care which minimizes the time to search it and repair. The system also maintains database to store useful information from each street light like power consumption, total number of burning hours, total number of interruptions, tally the actual power consumption with the power supplied and details of fault detection. Hence maintaining the system with optimal power consumption giving commercial benefits to business and the prosperity of the city as a whole. .Keywords: current sensor, GSM, Light Dependant Resistor (LDR), microcontroller