Empirical magnitude and spectral scaling relations for mid-plate and plate-margin earthquakes

Abstract Published values of body-wave magnitude m b , surface-wave magnitude, M s , and seismic moment, M o , for mid-plate and plate-margin earthquakes, are analyzed, to determine their inter-relationship and to develop scaling laws for earthquake spectra. All of the plate-margin earthquakes used in the study occurred near the border of the Pacific Ocean. The mid-plate earthquakes occurred in both continental plate interiors and oceanic plate interiors. For mid-plate earthquakes the m b - M s relation can be represented by two straight lines, of slope one and two. The intersection of the two lines corresponds to the body-wave magnitude for which the corner period of the spectrum is at 1 sec. The M b - M s relation for plate-margin earthquakes is more complicated, because the derived spectra exhibit two corner periods. A principal feature of the m b - M o and M s - M o relations is the fact that the large plate-margin earthquakes have a higher M o value than the mid-plate earthquakes, for the same m b or M s . Because m b is a measure of the spectral amplitude for frequencies at which damaging ground motion occurs, and M 0 is a measure of the spectrum at very long periods, it follows that mb is a good estimator of strong ground motion, whereas a moment-derived magnitude is not. The latter, however, is a good measure of fault rupture area. The derived spectra of the mid-plate earthquakes are flat at the long periods, and have a slope of two at the short periods. Their seismic moment varies as the fourth power of the corner period, implying that the stress drop increases as the moment increases. For the large plate-margin earthquakes the derived spectra are flat at the long periods, have a slope of one at intermediate periods, and a slope of two at short periods. The stress drops are almost independent of moment for the larger plate-margin earthquakes. The moment-magnitude relations for mid-plate earthquakes indicate that an M s = 8.7 event requires a fault rupture length of only 60 km, for a fault width of 20 km. A plate-margin earthquake of M s = 8.7 and fault width of 20 km would require a fault length of 6000 km, obviously impossible. Assuming a fault width of 20 km, an M s = 8.2 earthquake has a rupture length of about 850 km, which is as large as can be expected for strike-slip faults, such as the San Andreas of California. Subduction zone earthquakes, on the other hand, if they have fault widths as great as 200 km, can give rise to M s = 8.7 earthquakes.

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