Low Back and Neck Pain. Comprehensive Diagnosis and Management. 3rd ed.

David G. Borenstein, Sam W. Wiesel, and Scott D. Boden. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2004. 921 pages. $99.00. Comprehensive is right! This outstanding text provides an impressive collection of the knowledge relevant to the evaluation and management of low back pain and neck pain. Well written and offering clear and concise descriptions, the book is an excellent reference for anyone involved in the care of patients with back and neck pain. The first section of the book provides an overview of the normal anatomy and biomechanics of the spine, the epidemiology of neck and low back pain, and the sources of spinal pain. These chapters review the basic sciences with excellent depth, highlight specific pertinent areas, and are well referenced for those who wish to delve deeper into specific areas. The chapter on sources of pain gives particular insight into …