Demand Characteristics and Analysis of Changes in Spatial Accessibility of Public Sports Facilities
This study analyzed the actual conditions of use of public sports facilities and characteristics of the users of the facilities through surveys and measured the spatial imbalance of the public sports facilities currently supplied by using gravity potential model. This study also suggests evaluation criteria that may be considered for efficient location selection by examining the change of accessibility to the facilities that meet the needs of users in the future. As the results of the questionnaire survey, unlike current usage, the users hoped for badminton, weight training and swimming. And we could confirm the demand for the expansion of the multi purpose indoor gym which can carry out such activities in the areas. As the result of the analysis on the difference in accessibility of the public sports facility, there were some large variations in the regions. It was found that a balanced supply of facilities was needed in terms of equity. In particular, when analyzing by considering the population estimates of 2025, It is analyzed that the accessibility will be reduced to about 60% compared to that of 2015. In addition, it is evaluated as the best alternative in terms of overall efficiency that the location of the facilities should be in Munsan area where population growth is expected in the future. ■ keyword :∣Public Sports Facilities∣Demand Characteristics∣Gravity Potential Model∣Accessibility∣Equity∣ 접수일자 : 2017년 04월 04일 수정일자 : 2017년 05월 08일 심사완료일 : 2017년 05월 15일 교신저자 : 김용진, e-mail : 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 '17 Vol. 17 No. 7 284
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