Efficacy of high voltage stimulation for healing of venous leg ulcers in surgically and conservatively treated patients

Summary Aim: Examination of the efficacy of high voltage stimulation (HVS) on healing (in various phases: decontamination, granulation, epidermization) of venous leg ulcers. Patients, material, methods: 110 persons with venous leg ulcers were included in the study. Patients in groups A and B were treated conservatively (compression and drug therapy). Patients in groups C and D were treated surgically (modified Babcock’s method). Patients in groups A and C were additionally treated with the HVS (100 μs, 100 Hz, 100 V) for 50 minutes daily, six times a week for seven weeks. Treatment progress was evaluated by observation of the number of healed wounds and measurement of the linear dimensions, area and isolated areas (covered with pus or granulation) and the volume of the leg ulcers. Results: Treatment was effective in all comparative groups. Comparison of the treatment efficacy (number of completely healed wounds) indicated statistically significant differences between groups A and B (p = 0.03), B and C (p = 0.03), B and D (p = 0.03) in favour of groups A, C and D. Comparison of other parameters supported a better therapeutic effect in groups A, C and D than in group B. There were no statistical differences in these parameters between groups A, C and D. Conclusion: The results demonstrated that HVS is an efficient method of enhancing healing in conservative treatment of venous leg ulcers. However, it appeared that HVS does not enhance healing of venous leg ulcers in patients after causal surgical treatment.