Thermophysical properties of matter - the TPRC data series. Volume 1. Thermal conductivity - metallic elements and alloys. (Reannouncement). Data book

Abstract : The TPRC Data Series published in 13 volumes plus a Master Index volume constitutes a permanent and valuable contribution to science and technology. This 17,000 page Data Series should form a necessary acquisition to all scientific and technological libraries and laboratories. These volumes contain an enormous amount of data and information for thermophysical properties on more than 5,000 different materials of interest to researchers in government laboratories and the defense industrial establishment. Volume 1 in this 14 volume TPRC Data Series covers metallic elements and alloys and intermetallic compounds of engineering importance, including 69 elements, 172 groups of nonferrous binary alloys, 80 groups of nonferrous multiple alloys, 25 groups of ferrous alloys, 60 intermetallic compounds, 16 mixtures of intermetallic compounds, and 13 miscellaneous alloys and mixtures. Data for all the elements and for some alloys have been critically evaluated, analyzed, and synthesized, and recommended values or provisional values are presented in addition to the original experimental data.